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The majority of Shoppers who Touch products go on to buy
In many of the shopper studies I have been involved with the correlation between touch
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less Written by an influential academic it contains
The Social Psychology of Consumer Behaviour
The Social Psychology of Consumer Behaviour (Applying Social Psychology) A dense read but worth persevering
The Spirits Shopper
Background: Only 10% of shoppers enter the spirits aisle, and 71% of them are men
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Thinking, Fast and Slow A dense book from a world-respected academic. The section on how
Together For A Better Summer
Background: Shopper thinking identified that long drinks are not associated with summer occasions at home
Urbanears Scratch Poster
Innovating with posters to create something that people can interact with; very good for experiential
Background None available Insight Moms look for simple ways to get better nutrition throughout the
Background After undertaking a training program to get all 17,000-odd pharmacists certified to administer vaccinations,
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