According to nutritionists, consumers are flooded with nutrition information and can get confused about what food to buy.
Shoppers will tell you that they want and use the nutrition information on the pack to help them make better choices. But when you watch them in-store them less than 10% turn the product around and actually read it.
Unfortunately it’s difficult to read and understand, and some of it even seems contradictory. They are also in hurry to finish their mission and so end-up postponing nutrition research until another time.
So helping shoppers eat better, by making it easier to navigate nutrition information, is something they will appreciate.
New SimpleNutrition program. It is an in-store shelf tag system that makes finding better nutrition choices easier among foods and beverages important to shoppers.
Not available
BISHOP, C. (2011, Febraury 27). Safeway launches nutrition labeling.
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