When observing shoppers I always try and camouflage myself by being one of them! I push a trolley or carry a basket and try to not stare at them as they go about their mission.
I have the following list noted in my phone and will refer to it as I watch the shopper.
- What mission are they on?
- Who are they buying for?
- What high level signage (if any) are they using?
- What helped them navigate to the category?
- Did they start scanning at the signpost brand or somewhere else?
- How frequently do they shop this category?
- What are they not seeing as they scan?
- Are they looking for a preferred brand or exploring across a repertoire?
- How difficult is it to locate what they are looking for?
- How many products did they touch?
- How active was their price comparison?
- What product attributes were they comparing?
- What, if anything, is delaying them from making a quick purchase?
- After they chose a product did they continue looking at the category?
- Did they shop the adjacent category after they chose their product?
- How many products did they buy from the category?
- Did any posm influence them?
- How long did it take from browsing to purchase?
I try and jot down a few notes on my phone after each other has left the category. If its possible I try and snap a quick picture as a reference for later when I am reviewing my notes.