Works Cited
1. IGD. (2012). Discounter shoppers explored. IGD.
2. PRWeb. (2011, October 11). Merchant Mechanics Path to Purchase Research Yields Surprising Insights into Shopper Behavior. Retrieved from PRWeb.
3. ECR Europe, The Partnering Group, emnos. (2011). The Consumer and Shopper Journey Framework.
4. Deloitte Consulting; GMA. (2007). Shopper Marketing:Capturing a Shopper’s Mind, Heart and Wallet.
5 & 6. The Coca-Cola Company; In-Store Marketing Institute, Inc; The Partnering Group. (2010). Shopper Marketing Best Practices: A Collaborative Model for Retailers and Manufacturers.
7. Wittemen, A. (2011, January / February ). The Fourth Circle. The Hub , pp. 38-40.