The Spirits Shopper


Only 10% of shoppers enter the spirits aisle, and 71% of them are men

Party occasions baskets are 3 times the store average


Preparing for a party or special occasion at home, often means a separate shopping mission, and usually to different stores.

Buying the alcohol for these occasions is usually something the males do, often through necessity because of the weight of the purchase, but sometimes because it’s not something women enjoy.

These types of missions are usually high-spend and can therefore be profitable for retailers.

So finding ways to make this purchase mission easier and a little more fun can be financially worthwhile.


Integrated campaign to win females buying for the party occasion.


Spritis baskets up 10%


Nell, J. (2011). Our Journey Putting Shopper First. Shopper Marketing Conference. Sydney.

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Aisle Of Man

Background P&G says sections dedicated to men’s products offer convenience for shopping-averse males: They can